This is a question I get asked a lot, from both my friends and colleagues. In fact, I ask myself this question a lot as well. The expanded question is: If you could do it over again, would you be a doctor again? This is somewhat of a loaded question because, when asked by another physician, it somewhat infers that they probably would not. I think some of my colleagues are seeking validation of their own […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
You’ve made it! You’ve slogged through the internship, residency and maybe even a fellowship to be the top dog. Numero uno. The alpha and omega. You are now an attending. The buck stops with you. All responsibility lies with you. Everyone comes to you for answers. You make all the big decisions. Are you ready? Of course not. Just a few days or weeks ago you were finishing your training, still leaning on your own […]
How to be a Good Attending (Academic Edition)
There are a lot of different types of funds you can buy. So then… why index funds? The general idea behind index funds are that they should have the lowest expense ratios and should have no load or any other hidden costs. By having the lowest costs possible, and simply tracking the market rather than actively trying to beat it, you have the highest chance of coming out ahead over the long term compared to an actively managed, […]
Index Funds
Umbrella insurance is “non-occupation” liability. Occupation-liability (in our case) would be your malpractice insurance. I didn’t really discuss Umbrella Insurance as a necessity because for most residents and young attendings it isn’t really necessary yet as it falls into more of the “asset protection” category. Until you have assets to protect (such as a house) then you really don’t need this. However: You want your non-occupation liability insurance to be approximately equal to the assets […]
Umbrella Insurance
After the long journey that is intern year, you have now arrived. The 1st day of your 2nd year of residency you are no longer the most dangerous person in the hospital. Congratulations. However… with great power comes great responsibility. As a junior resident, you are in a unique “balancing act”. You will be the closest to all the interns, but still somewhat far-removed from the attending, which is usually reserved for upper-level residents, chief […]
How to be a Good Resident
“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” Who said that? I have no idea. People attribute it to Albert Einstein, but the truth is he probably didn’t say it either. In fact, people quote Albert Einstein a lot when he didn’t say the majority of those things. It’s simply trying to add more weight to whatever they are saying. “A […]