So uh, I haven’t updated this in a LOOOOONGGGGGG time. My last post was this one, from April 19, 2021. Prior to that post was a short post on April 14, 2021 apologizing for not posting. So yea, it seems time has gotten away from me a bit eh? Anyways, here are the update(s). I moved back to California to be closer to family, which has been great. However, I still work the same job […]

Hey everyone, I apologize for the lack of posts as of late. I had just settled back into the swing of things then I promptly fell off the wagon. There are a few reasons for this, but the major reasons are Home Improvement and My Office. Home Improvement You may recall awhile back that on my list of things to improve on our house was to redo our windows. We actually had the consultation/estimate/etc. done […]
Home Improvement and My Office
Hey everyone, apologies for my lack of updates. This won’t be a real post today either. I’ve had to take care of some stuff, and I need to be available for some house renovations over the next few days. That said, I will try to get some posts out this week (maybe Saturday?) and next week (maybe Monday?). -Sensei
Quick Update

Hey everyone, it’s time for another post. Today is going to be a post about Hawaii Income Tax 2021. More specifically, how it will affect current and future doctors. Hawaii Income Tax If you live in Hawaii, you’re probably aware that a new tax bill has gone through the Senate: Hawaii Senate Approves Nation’s Highest Income Tax Rate The TL;DR is that it would raise income tax rates significantly, making Hawaii the state with the […]
Hawaii Income Tax 2021

Hey everyone, it’s time for my weekly post. I was going to originally write about update to the Value Cost Ratio. However, it’s Match Week for the NRMP Match, so I figured it was better to talk about that. So today we’re going to talk about “Congratulations, you have matched!” Congratulations, you have matched! Many medical students should have received this email on Monday. I don’t want to reiterate things too much, so I’ll refer […]
Congratulations, you have matched! #MatchDay2021 #medtwitter

Hey everyone, this post is kind of close to the last one because I delayed the previous one from Wednesday until Saturday. Today is kind of a random post about “Mechanical Keyboards“. Mechanical Keyboards? Yea. This is kind of a random, but let me explain how I went down the rabbit hole that is “high end” or “custom” keyboards. Remember how I explained that because of how my office was laid out I was demotivated […]