
Hey everyone, apologies for my lack of updates. This won’t be a real post today either. I’ve had to take care of some stuff, and I need to be available for some house renovations over the next few days. That said, I will try to get some posts out this week (maybe Saturday?) and next week (maybe Monday?). -Sensei

Quick Update

Hey everyone, just a quick update. It looks like Hawaii may be on the verge of doing a shutdown again seeing as how our COVID-19 cases continue to rise. As such, schools will not be opening as scheduled, not even with a Hybrid/Blended model. O’ahu public schools transition to distance learning for first four weeks of 2020-21 school year I expect private schools to follow suit as well… However, today was supposed to be a […]

Quick Update

I forgot to write a post today. Shame, shame…. However, the Dodgers won and my boy Muncy hit two homers, so there’s that… I’ll try to get a post up tomorrow, but if not, Wednesday maybe… assuming I don’t lose power this weekend. -Sensei

Oh no…

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share this quick guide I made for Mother’s Day for 2020. I guarantee 100% satisfaction if this flowchart is followed: Smile and feel free to share. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. 2020 hasn’t been easy on mothers trying to juggle things with this pandemic. I just want you all to know that we appreciate all that you do. -Sensei

Mother’s Day Flowchart #illumedati #medtwitter #MothersDay

Hey everyone, this isn’t a real post for Medicine Mondays. Instead, I was just going to talk about what happened over the weekend, mostly about “iPhone Battery Expansion”. So basically, my wife’s iPhone X suffered from the iPhone battery expansion problem that seems to be occuring more commonly. I read some posts, like this and this one. After confirming the problem, I made an appointment with the Genius Bar over at the Apple Store near […]

iPhone Battery Expansion #illumedati