Last time on Medicine Mondays, we talked about Residency Interviews and then also Traveling for Interviews on Whatever Wednesdays. I’m going to switch gears today and talk about how “Good Doctors are Bad Patients”. This is kind of pseudo follow-up to my prior post, Good Doctor, Bad Doctor, Bad for Doctor. So what do I mean that Good Doctors are Bad Patients? Well, what are some of the personality traits of a “good doctor”. Someone with a good […]
Monthly Archives: October 2016
Before I jump in to today’s Medicine Mondays post, I wanted to take the time to say I’m going to be including the #illumedati hashtag in my post titles. I was originally going to use #mederatti, but #illumedati sounds better. (Thanks @datinglikewhat) I would like to invite any other medicine bloggers to use this hashtag as a way to index their posts. There are a lot of good medical blogs out there. However, because we’re busy doctors, […]
So it’s Finance Fridays again. This is going to be a relatively short post I hope. Over the past few months, I’ve dedicated a lot of time to teaching what I consider the basics of finance. I looked over the past 28 Finance Fridays posts and I’ve talked about investing and retirement. I’ve spoken about portfolios and financial advisors. However, I think the best place to start when it comes to finance is these two posts: Talking […]
What is a Roth?
It’s Whatever Wednesdays. After spending some time on Twitter these last two weeks, I think I’ve really been able to figure out who I am trying to help. In my About section, I wrote: [[—- begin copy/paste —-]] What do you hope to accomplish? What is the end game? Hope to accomplish? My goals are both meager and lofty. First, this will be a place to collect all my thoughts and experiences. I want to share […]
The Dream
Happy Columbus Day aka Discoverer’s Day. No post today, but feel free to check out older posts here. Here are a few of my popular recent tweets too: Student Loans Physician Burnout My Patronus RT: Coffee from the AHA Pizza Wisdom from my daughter -Sensei Questions, Comments and Suggestions are welcome. You don’t need to fill out your email address, just write your name or nickname.
Columbus Day 2016
We’re going to switch gears this week and talk about retirement planning a bit again, specifically: pensions. In my prior posts based upon retirement, I touch upon pensions a little bit. Retiring Early, How to Retire Early, Early Retirement is Easy?, and Best Bang for Your Buck Retirement Locations I also briefly mentioned that you should consider pensions when you are Choosing Your First Job However, I didn’t realize that I had not really discussed […]