Home Improvement
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today, “Let’s Talk About the SECURE Act“. The SECURE Act I mentioned it before a little while ago in a previous post. However, it just recently passed through both Congress and the Senate, and Trump signed it into law this week. There is a lot of little things in this act, but long story short, the general public is behind in regards to retirement. This act is going to […]

Let’s Talk About the SECURE Act #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. I know I missed a Finance Friday’s post last week as well. My apologies. However, I’ve been really busy with work and trying to iron out issues with my stakepool. If you combine this with the normal hub-bub of Christmas, I’ve simply been too busy to write a real article. There won’t be a real post on Wednesday probably either, except for maybe a quick update on how the […]

Busy Busy #illumedati

Hey everyone, this post is a combination of Medicine Monday and Whatever Wednesdays. This post is just a “Quick Update“. Quick Update First things first, I’m getting more used to using the APAP mask. I’ve definitely noticed that I can sleep less using the mask while still feeling more rested when I used to sleep longer before. For example, if I get at least 5-6 hours with the mask, I don’t feel horribly tired. If […]

Quick Update #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again, but I’m kind of busy this weekend. I have a lot of things planned with the family with presentations, get-togethers, and birthday parties to go to. Add this on to my stakepool stuff (which has a major change to incentivization today) and I don’t have time for a real post today. My apologies.

No Post Today

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. Today is just going to be a short post about “Uncomfortable“. Uncomfortable? Yea. I’ve talked about it before, but medical training is almost a constant state of being uncomfortable. 3rd year of medical school is kind of like a microcosm for the whole doctor experience. It’s the first experience of this where you do a few weeks in multiple different rotations. Just when you think you’re finally beginning to […]

Uncomfortable #illumedai