Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. Today we’re going to talk about the importance of “Staying Lean”. Staying Lean? Yea. I don’t mean lean in terms of body habitus — although that is of course important too. Today I’m talking about staying lean in terms of possessions. Possessions? Yea. I’ve talked about it before, but the path of medicine usually is not a straight line. There are many places where you potentially will make some […]

Staying Lean #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. After the roadmap update I wanted to talk about being “Fascinated by FIRE”. Fascinated by FIRE? Yea. It seems like pretty much every other day I get an article that shows up about Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE). Of course, my wife and my friends get them too. Since they know I’m into this “finance stuff” they usually send them to me. As such, I do my best to […]

Fascinated by FIRE #illumedati

Future Robot
Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. Today is going to be a fun post about “Predicting the Future”. Predicting the Future? Yea, let’s pretend it’s been 15 years. So it’s 2034. So what’s 2034 like? 2034 means my daughter Kylie is 21 years old and will be starting her senior year in college. Where that is I’m not really sure. My current guess is that she leaves Hawaii and goes to college on the mainland […]

Predicting the Future #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. Today is going to be a kind of a stream of consciousness type post about “Rearview Mirror – Doctor Edition”. Rearview Mirror? Yea, I’ve done post like this one for my house before. It’s basically just my way of saying “retrospective analysis”. I’ve talked about Medicine before and whether or not I would do it again. I actually talked about it a second time as well. I would recommend […]

Rearview Mirror – Doctor Edition #illumedati

Here’s the Finance Fridays Roadmap Update (8-2-2019): So pour some coffee, sit back, relax and click on some of these links: ** denotes new since last roadmap update (1-11-2019) Stock Photo From: Pixabay I cleaned up this post a bit for this update since we have a lot of posts to deal with now: I added bullets and made some subheadings and I’m hoping that will make it easier to navigate. I don’t know anything […]

Finance Fridays Roadmap Update 8-2-2019

Here’s the Whatever Wednesdays Roadmap Update (7-31-2019): So pour some coffee, sit back, relax and click on some of these links: ** denotes new since last roadmap update (1-9-2019) Stock Photo From: Pixabay I cleaned up this post a bit for this update since we have a lot of posts to deal with now: I added bullets and made some subheadings and I’m hoping that will make it easier to navigate. *** Whatever Wednesdays has […]

Whatever Wednesdays Roadmap Update 7-31-2019