
Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. I realize I didn’t post anything on Monday. So today will be a “Double Post Wednesday“. Double Post Wednesday So, basically this is Medicine Mondays and Whatever Wednesdays in one. However, this will be two short posts to make one normal post. Medicine Mondays 1/13/20 So basically, two things have happened: Sleep Apnea I continue to get more and more used to my APAP mask. After a long time […]

Double Post Wednesday #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today, I’m going to talk about “Revisiting Value Cost Ratio“. Revisiting Value Cost Ratio I’ve talked about Value Cost Ratio a lot before. I’ve also talked about “My Currency“. However, today we’re going to revisit both concepts… but not for me. Today, we’re going to talk about my daughter Kylie. Like I’ve said before, my wife and I have set aside a certain amount of money per month for […]

Revisiting Value Cost Ratio #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. Today we’re just going to talk about “Loungin’ with Lucas”. Loungin’ with Lucas This is just kind of a little introduction to my son, Lucas. He’s made some cameos here and there on the site, but this will kind of be the first post dedicated to him. Lucas was pretty quiet prior to turning 4 years old. His older sister is kind of the extrovert of the family and […]

Loungin’ with Lucas #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. Today I’m going to just kind of talk about “Shift Work“. Shift Work? Yea. For most medical professions, there is some opportunity to do shift work. However, today I’m going to talk about my particular specialty — radiology. In general, a “normal” schedule for a radiologist is 8-5pm, Monday-Friday affair. Usually, depending on how big your group is, you may need to work 8-12 hours on a Saturday and/or […]

Shift Work #illumedati

New Year New Backdoor Roth IRA
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays. Today is just a quick post to remind everyone that’s a new year and it’s time for another Backdoor Roth IRA. Backdoor Roth IRA There are many other things I could write about today, but I think the most important thing is just to remind everyone to fund their Backdoor Roth IRA. So if you haven’t started already, go ahead and get to it. As it stands currently, I think […]

New Year New Backdoor Roth IRA #illumedati

Hey everyone, just a quick update on one of the gifts I got for my wife this Christmas which has been a huge hit: Cuisinart ICE-100 Compressor Ice Cream and Gelato Maker Don’t let its small size deceive you. This is a great little ice cream maker. First a little background. My wife is pretty difficult to please when it comes to ice cream. For the most part, Haagen Daaz, Ben & Jerry’s, and the […]

Ice Cream Maker #illumedati