Kylie’s Korner

Here’s the Whatever Wednesdays Roadmap Update (7-31-2019): So pour some coffee, sit back, relax and click on some of these links: ** denotes new since last roadmap update (1-9-2019) Stock Photo From: Pixabay I cleaned up this post a bit for this update since we have a lot of posts to deal with now: I added bullets and made some subheadings and I’m hoping that will make it easier to navigate. *** Whatever Wednesdays has […]

Whatever Wednesdays Roadmap Update 7-31-2019

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today is just kind of a fun post about “Tooth Fairy Finance and The Magic Box“. Tooth Fairy Finance? Yea. Things have changed a lot since I lost my first teeth back in the late 80s and early 90s. Back then it was a lot simpler. Tooth in the envelope under the pillow at night, wake up the next morning to maybe a quarter or maybe a $1, depending […]

Tooth Fairy Finance and The Magic Box #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. Today “Let’s Talk Kid’s Baseball.“ Let’s Talk Kid’s Baseball As you guys have probably figured out by now, I’m a pretty avid baseball fan. I’ve kind of rediscovered my love for the game since moving back to Hawaii. The major reason for this is because Time Warner Spectrum gets Sports Net LA so I get to watch pretty much all the Dodgers games. The second reason is because now […]

Let’s Talk Kid’s Baseball #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today I’m going to talk about a concept that people seem to understand intuitively as common sense, but I will try to flesh out… it’s the “Pay Now or Pay Later” concept. Pay Now or Pay Later? Yea. It’s kind of a companion post to my prior post of: Buy the Best Versus Buy Cheap So, let me first give you some background from when I was a kid: […]

Pay Now or Pay Later #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays —- but on Tuesday! Today is kind of a follow-up post to Take Care of Your Eyes and Part Two. We’re going to talk about Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis. Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis? Yea. I think I may have mentioned it in passing in my prior few posts, but I wanted to devote a whole post to this topic. Most likely my wife and I both have some form of this disease. […]

Eyes Part 3 – Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays today. Today I just wanted to talk about me doing “Career Day” at my daughter’s elementary school. Career Day When I initially signed up to do the Career Day for my daughter, I wanted to try to explain the differences between different types of doctors. I wanted to help the children to understand that while we do different things, we’re all still doctors. So I’ll just try to explain how […]

Career Day #illumedati