So it’s Finance Fridays again. This is going to be a relatively short post I hope. Over the past few months, I’ve dedicated a lot of time to teaching what I consider the basics of finance. I looked over the past 28 Finance Fridays posts and I’ve talked about investing and retirement. I’ve spoken about portfolios and financial advisors. However, I think the best place to start when it comes to finance is these two posts: Talking […]
What is a DINK? DINK is an acronym which stands for Dual Income No Kids. I had no idea what this meant until a high school friend used it to refer to one of our other high school friends: “Hey, how’s [our other friend] doing?” “Oh, he’s married now. No kids though.” “Oh what!? Couple of DINKs huh?” “…?” He then went on to explain it meant Dual Income No Kids, and I guess it […]
Dual Income No Kids (DINK)
So… I made a small mistake. Two posts ago, in Could Index Funds Be Bad?, I said at the end that my next post would be about Actively Managed Funds (Gambling). However, for some reason I decided to make the next post, The Biggest Mistake of Your Life. I’m not sure why this happened. Nonetheless, here is that post:
Actively Managed Funds (Gambling)
The title should really be: “The Biggest Mistake of Your (Attending) Life”, but it didn’t flow as well, so I just cut out the attending part. It ended up sounding click-baitish, but I think that’s ok. What I have to say today will significantly shape your future. So when you read this title, you may have some preconceived notions for what I meant. Perhaps you thought that I was going to say going into medicine […]
The Biggest Mistake of Your Life
In my prior posts, I spoke a lot about retirement as well as index funds. There was a recent article in the Wall Street Journal blog titled “Are Index Funds Eating the World?” To be honest, this is kind of a click-bait title (as is mine)… but it worked. I was curious, so I read it. I’d recommend you guys read it as well. However, the long and short of it is: The “secret” of index funds […]
Could Index Funds Be Bad?
Happy Labor Day! No Post Today. I would recommend checking out some other bloggers I read: PhysicianOnFire Future Proof MD Passive Income MD Dr. Wise Money All of us blog on the topic of Physician Finance/Retirement, although I am more of a “variety” (medicine/whatever/finance) blogger. It’s interesting to see how other physicians manage their finances and retirement. Overall, these other bloggers are much more aggressive about putting money away than I am, with plans for earlier […]