
This is the second part in the series, Physician Contracts. The first post is here. I’m going to try to keep this part short and sweet discussing the most common clauses found in physician contracts: Termination without Cause Termination with Cause Non-Compete (Restrictive Covenant) Evergreen The first two are pretty ubiquitous to physician contracts (outside of academic contracts). The 3rd one is pretty common, and usually the most controversial. The 4th one is just to […]

Physician Contracts Part Two

In my previous posts in this series, I talked about Portfolio Types, TIPS and REITs, and Approximating a Portfolio. Now that we have discussed different types of Asset Allocation and you know about Talking the Talk I want to discuss a more advanced portfolio. This is the Coffeehouse Portfolio, created by Bill Schultheis, also known as The Coffeehouse Investor.  Amazon Link (I have no financial relationship with Bill Schultheis or Amazon.) What is a Coffeehouse Portfolio? One of the […]

Coffeehouse Portfolio

It’s Whatever Wednesdays and this will be a short post (for real this time!) to illustrate a simple concept. There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. (TANSTAAFL) When I was a kid, I knew very little about the world or money. All I knew was that my dad and mom worked very, very hard. We had moved to California when I was three and my dad was a young professor at California State University at […]

Free Lunch

This is a follow-up to my prior posts, Choosing Your First Job and Malpractice Insurance. Once you have an offer in hand, they will send you a contract. For many of you, this will be the first contract you’ve ever looked at, with a lot of legalese that may make your eyes bleed. I’m going to try to break down contracts in a general sense, to at least give you the context for how to look at […]

Physician Contracts

My prior post was about, Choosing Your First Job. Before we move on to Physician Contracts, I think it’s important to talk about Malpractice Insurance. Physicians in general dislike talking about this because we don’t like to think about the possibility of being sued. For the most part, this is covered during residency under your institutional policy, which is almost always occurrence meaning that you don’t have to worry about it. However, now that you are […]

Malpractice Insurance

So in my last post, TIPS and REITs I discussed a few alternate portfolio options. I then went on to discuss how because I am part of Thrift Savings Plan, there is no exact approximation for my portfolio of choice which is Taylor Larimore’s Three Fund Lazy Portfolio. However, not everyone will have access to these exact funds. In fact, I would guess the majority of you won’t have these exact funds available to you in […]

Approximating a Portfolio