Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. I wanted to write a real post today, but unfortunately I’m feeling a little under the weather. I’ve been coughing and my nose has been stuffed. This made it difficult for me to use my APAP machine last night too. Don’t worry, I don’t think I’m “sick”, perhaps it’s just a combination of feeling tired and some allergies. I won’t be missing work or anything either. That said, I […]
Monthly Archives: November 2019
Hey everyone, it’s Veteran’s Day. Today, we honor our military veterans. I was always taught to use the phrase “Thank you for your service.” I thought that was the best way to thank a veteran. However, recent research has demonstrated that as many as half of veterans feel uncomfortable when told that. Others feel this phrase is so overused that is almost an “empty platitude”. The poll found that instead of saying the simple thank […]
Veteran’s Day 2019 #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today is just going to be a short post about highlighting the “2020 Changes” regarding retirement contributions and taxes. 2020 Changes First things first, you can read all about it direct from the IRS: Retirement Contributions 2020 Taxes (44 pages!) However, I will try to break down what I think is important as simply as possible. 401k/403b/457 Contributions 401k/403b/457 contributions will increase from $19,000 in 2019 to $19,500. Catch-up […]
2020 Changes #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. Today is just a short post about “Stepping Out of your Comfort Zone.” Stepping Out of your Comfort Zone My daughter used to love LEGOs, like a lot. She wanted to build them everyday. However, she got older and found other things to play with and LEGOs kind of fell by the wayside. Fortunately, I still tried to keep track of which “good” LEGOs were on sale that I […]
Stepping Out of your Comfort Zone #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays… but on Tuesday! Today is just a quick post for a “Sleep Apnea Update“. Sleep Apnea Update I got my APAP machine yesterday. It came with a humidifier too, which is nice. The guy helped to explain how to put it on and I looked at the different mask types. In general, the mask types are “nasal pillows”, “nasal mask”, and “face mask”. Nasal Pillows are the most minimalist version […]
Sleep Apnea Update #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today I’m going to ponder what to do if someone was “Inheriting a House“. Inheriting a House First things first: I’m not inheriting a house. The reason I’m writing this blog post is because a friend of mine inherited a house along with siblings. He talked to me a little about it. Since I wanted to learn more, I started doing some research into it. There is a ton […]