Whatever Wednesdays

Hey everyone, it’s Wednesday again my dudes. Today we’re going to talk briefly about Choice Paralysis. Choice Paralysis? Yea. So basically, choice paralysis is when a person is given too many options and so struggles to make a choice. However, I think what we need to understand is that “too many” is different for different people and even for different situations. For example, for me, in general I can handle between 5-7 choices before they […]

Choice Paralysis

Hey everyone, it’s the Wednesday after my shift, and so I’m doing another post. So far that’s 2 weeks in a row! Give me an “A” for effort please?!?! My wife took the above picture when the kids went to the beach recently. Don’t worry, they socially distanced and utilized masks to and from the car to an empty spot on the beach. This picture my wife took is one of the best moments we’ve […]

Kylie the Coder

Hey everyone, it’s been a minute… First of all, I want to apologize for not keeping the site up to date. I really tried to get back into the swing of things by the end of 2020 but to be honest, it just wasn’t a huge priority. However, one of my New Year’s Resolutions (which I don’t really believe in, but am trying this year) is to start posting again with some degree of regularity. […]

Hindsight 2020

Hey everyone, it’s Wednesday and I’m posting like I said I would! Is this the dream? Will I be able to stick to this modified posting schedule again? We’ll see. Anyways, today we’re going to talk about “The Collapse of the Token Economy“. The Collapse of the Token Economy? Yea. After rereading that title, I just realized it could be construed as an opinion on our nation’s economy. However, that is not what this post […]

The Collapse of the Token Economy #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Wednesday, and I almost forgot to write this post. Even with this “slow” schedule of once a week posts, it’s been difficult for me to get back into the groove of things. Today will just be a short post about Soccer… more specifically, Kylie’s Soccer. Kylie has been playing soccer for the best 2 half seasons, or about the last half year. However, because of Coronavirus, they haven’t played for awhile. We […]

Kylie’s Soccer #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays, but this is more of a “Whatever Wednesdays” kind of post. Long story short, I was able to get 4 lbs of sashimi grade ahi tuna for the ridiculously cheap price of $26. Time to Learn Something New: Learn Something New I guess it’s kind of of a Finance Fridays post since I got the ahi for so cheap… right? Anyways, you know how I talked about being “comfortable” but […]

Learn Something New #illumedati