
529s and the New Tax Law 2018
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. This is just a reminder that “Tax Day Comes”. Tax Day Comes If you haven’t already done your taxes, they’re due by April 15, 2019, unless you’ve filed an extension. However, if you’ve already filed your taxes, like I did mine then you might have a few dollars extra sitting in your bank from a tax refund. I’ve talked about getting a Tax Refund before. I’d recommend you revisit […]

Tax Day Comes #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays… and I overslept. Overslept? Yea. I got home from work at around midnight, as per usual. I was in bed trying to sleep by around 12:30 am, as per usual. Normally, my kids and wife get up around 6 am to get ready so that usually gets me up. Then they head upstairs around 6:30 am and my wife heads to work, while grandma and pop-pop watch the kids before […]

Overslept #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays today. Today I just wanted to talk about me doing “Career Day” at my daughter’s elementary school. Career Day When I initially signed up to do the Career Day for my daughter, I wanted to try to explain the differences between different types of doctors. I wanted to help the children to understand that while we do different things, we’re all still doctors. So I’ll just try to explain how […]

Career Day #illumedati

Tax Season is Upon Us - Small
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today is just a short post to follow-up on how my 2018 Taxes are going. Things went pretty much as expected. As expected, we ended up owing the state of Hawaii some money this year because of changes in the Hawaii State Income Tax. However, because I was pretty conservative with my withholding this year, I didn’t end up owing too much and we actually received a small refund […]

2018 Taxes #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. This will just be a short post to ponder the question “Is Crypto Alive Again?” Is Crypto Alive Again? The answer is “kind of”. My last few posts in general about crypto have been pretty pessimistic or “bearish” if you will. In general, crypto is mostly just speculative. Why is there a “bull run” all of the sudden? Well, in the last few days, we’ve seen Bitcoin have two […]

Is Crypto Alive Again? #illumedati

Hey everyone, just a short light-hearted post today for April Fool’s. April’s Fools? Yea. Match Day has come and gone and I can imagine that a lot of medical students and others are putting plans in place to move to a new place. I tend to harp on this a lot, but I recommend that you do not buy a house. Every year people don’t take my advice. Some end up doing very, very well, […]

April’s Fools #illumedati