Medicine Mondays

You might be saying to yourself… what is Sensei talking about? Has he eaten a bad malasada or something? What is The New Meta of Medicine #illumedati? Stock Photo from: Pexels What is “the new meta”? So “the new meta” is actually video game terminology, primarily used in League of Legends. From stackexchange: “Meta is the current set style, per say. it is what is normally done. like ap mid, solo top, jungle, shields are becomeing more […]

The New Meta of Medicine #illumedati

Hi Everyone! It’s Medicine Mondays again and this post is… late… again. My apologies. Twitter let me know that today is the day for the AOA Match, and congratulations to everyone who matched. I must again apologize that I didn’t know it was the AOA Match Day today. However, I have made note of it and will research it and try to talk about it more next year. For those in the NRMP Match, it’s February, […]

Match Day Anxiety #illumedati

I know, I know, I know… it’s Medicine Mondays, not Finance Fridays. However, like I alluded to on my prior posts: Spousal IRA and Talking to Med Student Me, this is at least circumferentially related to Medicine Mondays, since it is a very small window of opportunity for which utilizing a Roth carries significant advantages. Stock Photo from: Pexels So what is a Roth 401k/403b? I’ve talked a little about the differences between regular 401k/403bs […]

Roth 401k/403b in Residency #illumedati

Hi guys, it’s Medicine Mondays again and I’m going to be Talking to Med Student Me. Basically, a lot of this web site is me reflecting back on medical school and residency. However, I wanted to take this time to reflect on some choices I made as a medical student/resident that I thought were good and would repeat, and others which I would change. Stock Photo From: Pexels Choosing a Specialty As a medical student, […]

Talking to Med Student Me #illumedati

Hey guys, sorry for the late post. I was having some issues with WordPress this morning. I’m going to talk about Locums, Moonlighting and the Second Job today. What…? More Work? Orc Peon from Warcraft My close friend is leaving his job to start a new job somewhere else. Like me, he is a radiologist. His new job will be more a shift schedule where he will work consecutive days and then have some days […]

Locums, Moonlighting, and the Second Job #illumedati

Hi everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. I want to talk about a relatively simple concept, but one that is probably overlooked: Experience Matters. Stock Photo from: Pixabay Experience Matters? Well, of course it does. Well, yes, of course it does… but I’m not talking about it in the conventional sense of doing your 500th cholecystectomy or reading your 1000th head CT. However, let me try to explain what I mean. A career in medicine is […]

Experience Matters #illumedati