
So it’s Medicine Mondays… and I talked about I’ve talked about The Track and Falling Off the Track previously. So now I want to take the time to go over how to approach finding your first job. First things first. Usually the first thing people talk about when trying to compare two different job openings is the difference in salary. I am going to spend the majority of this post trying to convince you that this […]

Choosing Your First Job

In my prior post about Portfolio Types, I discussed some popular “lazy portfolios”. However, a few of the portfolios used TIPS and REITs. I wanted to take the time to explain what those are today. Should be a short post today. What is a TIPS? TIPS is an acronym which stands for: Treasury Inflation Protected Securities Essentially, they occupy the same risk class as bonds, but with a few advantages and disadvantages. The major difference is […]


Hi guys, today will be a short post about Portfolio Types. Today I’m going to focus on “Lazy Portfolios” which are popularized by Bogleheads. I am pretty much cutting and pasting this from the Bogleheads wiki, but I will clean up this post to make it look better later, with my commentary. Today is school field trip day with my daughter so I just wanted to get this posted before I take her to the […]

Portfolio Types

My prior posts were about Buying a House and Closing Costs. Also, there was one about awhile back about The House Buying Itch – Medical Student Edition. There was a comment from Fred that says: “So, let’s say that you came across this blog a little too late. You are a first year attending (entering second year) and bought a house and you realize the position you are in isn’t right for you. How do you […]

Selling a House

So in my last post, I touched upon Maintenance of Certification (MOC). Now, in the recent news, information came out that the American Medical Association (AMA) has called for an immediate end to the MOC from the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Their official stance, as it currently stands, is here on their site. However, you may notice the language utilized in their official stance is more focused on partnership and improvement of MOC, rather than its […]

Maintenance of Certification – AMA Update

Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Ok, first of all, what is “maintenance of certification”? After 4 years of medical school, 1 year of internship, 4 years of residency, passing my board exam, and then doing a year of fellowship, I thought I was “done” with “all this stuff” [insert hand waving here]. Please understand that I knew I would have to keep learning, since the practice of medicine is a life-long learning profession, but I was […]

Maintenance of Certification (MOC)