
Hey everyone! It’s Finance Fridays, and I’m going to talk about something that most people probably don’t know about (I didn’t). I’m going to do a short post today about Inheritance Tax. Stock Photo from: Pixabay What is inheritance tax? Well, it’s kind of there in the name isn’t it? It’s a tax that is triggered when you inherit something from someone who is recently deceased. However, that is where the simplicity ends. Everyone hates […]

Inheritance Tax #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays and I don’t really have a topic for today. So today will be a short post about how you need to give yourself a break. Stock Photo from: Pexels Twitter As you may know, I hang out on Twitter and kind of browse what is happening in the general medicine community. Since the match has come and gone, things have been focused on Finals (for Pre-Meds and Med Students). In particular […]

Give Yourself a Break #illumedati

Hi guys, it’s Medicine Mondays, and most of my posts recently have been focused on the post-match preparation for internship. Today, I’m going to switch gears for a second to talk about Development Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH). This was previously known as “Congenital Dislocation of the Hip” but that name has now fallen out of favor because it is a misnomer. So then, What is Development Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)? Stock Photo from: Pixabay […]

What is Development Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)? #illumedati

Hey guys, it’s Finance Fridays… and I’m sick again…or maybe it’s allergies from the vog or something. Either way I got up late and that’s why this post is late. However, I was able to fix my problem with WP-Admin dashboard not working, so at least there’s that. This post will be a short about Social Security. Stock Photo from: Pexels What is Social Security? I think everyone kind of has a general idea of […]

Social Security #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. My 401k/403b in Residency Series has come to an end, although I may visit it again later. Today we’re going to refocus on the basics and talk about The Kubler Ross Five Stages of Investing. Stock Photo from: Pixabay So, this is my version of the The Kubler Ross 5 Stages of Grief. We all learned about this in medical school, or maybe even during a psychology course in college. […]

The Kubler Ross Five Stages of Investing #illumedati

Hey everyone… it’s Medicine Mondays. I hope everyone had a Happy Easter weekend. It’s kind of ironic, that I’m posting late about “Why Does Medicine Move So Slowly?” I was supposed to post more about The House Buying Itch, but I wasn’t able to talk to my colleagues about their experiences with buying houses as residents. Rather than push out an unfinished post, I decided to switch gears, with plan to return to The House […]

Why Does Medicine Move So Slowly? #illumedati