
Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. Normally I talk about crypto, and I will again today, but I also want to talk about something else, gelato. This have nothing to do with one another at all. Ok, so let’s talk about “Crypto Crash and Gelato”. Crypto Crash and Gelato First things first, it doesn’t take an expert to see that the crypto market is going down: This “sea of red” shows that just about everything […]

Crypto Crash and Gelato #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again today. Today is just going to be a short post: “Use a Helmet“. Use a Helmet My daughter has been trying to learn how to ride her bike again. It’s been a little difficult for her since we don’t really have a big flat cul-de-sac or a quiet street for her to practice on. For this reason, the bike we bought for her almost two years ago hasn’t gotten […]

Use a Helmet #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. As usual we’re going to talk about cryptocurrency with the theme of one of the crypto memes “I was told there would be lambos“. “I was told there would be lambos” So this meme refers to another meme which is “when lambo”. However, the original meme is “I was told there would be”, which originally comes from the movie Officespace. This was a great movie by the way, probably […]

I was told there would be lambos… #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. This is “kind of” medicine related. Today I’m going to talk about “What is Tommy John Surgery?” What is “Tommy John Surgery”? Just so we’re clear, that picture isn’t Tommy John, it’s just some left handed pitcher I found on Pexels. I also want to be clear that I’m not an orthopedic surgeon, but I am a doctor — so I’m going to try my best to explain what […]

What is Tommy John Surgery? #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays. As you may know, I’m a big proponent of buying a car used. However, today, I’m going to look at an alternative I will likely never do, but can try to explain the reasoning for… “The Case for Leasing a Car“. The Case for Leasing a Car Like I said before, this is something I will likely never do, but I want to explain that it may make sense in […]

The Case for Leasing a Car #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. As you might expect, I’m going to talk about Crypto again, but today we’re going to talk about “Warren Buffett and Bill Gates Hate Bitcoin” and more importantly, the why. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates Hate Bitcoin Honestly, this information is not new. It’s been written about many times before: Warren Buffett: “A real bubble sort of thing.” – (10/26/2017 – MarketWatch) Bitcoin is “Rat Poison Squared” – (5/7/2018 – […]

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates Hate Bitcoin #illumedati