
Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again and this kind of a short, fun post about My “Currency”. My Currency? Yea. So let me start with a story. Back when you’re a kid, you don’t really understand the Value of a Dollar. You learn it over time. This kind of falls in line with my “Money isn’t Real” and “Value Cost Ratio” posts. However, it’s kind of so simple (and fun) that it doesn’t really merit […]

My “Currency” #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. This is just a short reminder to “Take care of your eyes“. Take care of your eyes? Don’t worry, we’re all doing fine over here. However, I want to take the time to share a story with you guys. Basically, my wife and I both wear glasses and contact lenses. I’m sure this is common for many, many doctors. However, because of our schedules as medical students, residents, and […]

Take care of your eyes #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today is just a short post about “The Social Media Joneses“. The Social Media Joneses? I don’t really use facebook or instagram or social media all that much. I don’t even really keep up with twitter that much anymore. However, I just want to remind everyone that what people show on social media is usually not real life. The “Keeping up with the Joneses” mentality is exacerbated by social media: The […]

The Social Media Joneses #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays, so today is a short post about “Appliance Woes“. Appliance Woes? Yea. The joys of home ownership continue… I have a long list of items that I need to fix in my house, but then there were things that I had hoped would last a little longer, and so weren’t on my list. These would include my refrigerator, oven, and washer/dryer. They came with the house and they seemed to […]

Appliance Woes #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. Today is just a short post to ponder “September“. September? While it may not seem like that important of a month in the general sense, I think it has a great deal of importance for people still in school and/or training. September kind of marks the beginning of the academic year — at least it did for me. However, my daughter started her kindergarten journey a little earlier, in […]

September #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays. Today is just a short post stating “Money isn’t real” for everyone to ponder. This picture isn’t really related to the topic. It’s a just a cute Maneki-neko I found on Pexels. “Money is just a tool.” “A means to an end.” So, in reality, in this rat race to try to obtain as money as possible, you should probably ask yourself, what is your end. Or, if you want to take it […]

Money isn’t real #illumedati