
Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. Today we’re going to ponder “The Ideal Job“. Why a Unicorn? Well, “The Ideal Job” is kind of like the Unicorn in that people chase after it, but it probably doesn’t exist. That’s ok though. It’s an ideal, not necessarily something that can actually happen. I mean, every job has its advantages and disadvantages. However, just because your job is a certain way doesn’t mean it needs to stay […]

The Ideal Job #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. This is just a short post to let everyone know about the New 401k and Roth IRA Limits 2019. New Limits? Yes, the IRS just confirmed that they raised the limits on 401k and Roth IRA. – Source ( The new limits are: $19000 / year for 401k $6000 / year for Roth IRA This is a $500 increase for both over the current $18500 and $5500. While this may […]

New 401k and Roth IRA Limits 2019 #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. I’ve talked about “Would you do it again?” in regards to being a doctor before. However, today we’re going to revisit the topic. Would you do it again? The TL;DR is that yes I would do it again. However, this answer is different for different people. There is a surprising amount of doctors (that I know), that would not do it again. The explanations are pretty broad. Hours are […]

Would you do it again? (revisited) #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. This post may seem kind of early since Halloween is next week, but I just wanted to do a short post on it. Halloween Luckily, I have Halloween off this year. I also already made plans to take Halloween next year too. I’ve kind of placed a priority on Halloween because I have to work every other Thanksgiving/Christmas. My kids really enjoy the dressing up and to go out […]

Halloween 2018 #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. This is kind of a short (and late) post about Work Life Balance. Work Life Balance? In general, when physicians think about work-life balance, I think we primarily focus on factors we can control, rather than what we really want. For example, as a doctor, perhaps you want to retire earlier and save more money. So the first thing you think about is: “How can I make more money?” […]

Work Life Balance

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Technically today’s topic of “Monetizing My Blog” isn’t exactly a Finance Fridays topic for everyone. However, it is kind of a Finance topic for me, so I figured I’d share. What do you mean by “monetizing”? Well, it basically means I’m going to try to create a revenue stream on my blog. I’ve been blogging for more than 3 years now (almost 4). There were some false starts and mistakes, […]

Monetizing My Blog #illumedati