
Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again… but it’s Cyber Monday… so today will be “Cyber Monday Musings”. First of all, I’d like to apologize for the recently infrequent posts. For some reason this year I decided to be really lazy for Thanksgiving/Black Friday and pretty much not to do anything. Part of this may be because I had to work on Thanksgiving and just forgot in general about writing a post for Friday. Also, please […]

Cyber Monday Musings #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays and today is kind of a random post about my “Top Picks for Christmas 2018“. Top Picks for Christmas 2018 My daughter is 5 years old and my son is 3 years old, so these are kind of which toys in that age range which I think will be “hot” for this Christmas. I’ve looked at a lot of “hot toy” lists for Christmas 2018. To be honest, there seems to […]

Top Picks for Christmas 2018 #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today we’re going to talk about the constant battle of “Buy the Best” versus “Buy Cheap”. “Buy the Best” versus “Buy Cheap”? Yea. I think this is a constant battle that occurs in everyone’s mind whenever we’re at the store. There are conflicting ideals at work here: When you “Buy the Best” you are saying that buying the more expensive (possibly better) item that will provide better value long term […]

Buy the Best versus Buy Cheap #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays and I haven’t talked about Crypto in awhile, so we’ll ponder this question “Is Crypto Dead? (again)” Is Crypto Dead? (again) Sort of. Bitcoin (and Crypto) has had its death called for many, many times. There is even a counter. 2018 has been crypto dying a long slow death over the course of this year. All of the hype surrounding it has pretty much died down. I think that the […]

Is Crypto Dead? (again) #illumedati

Hey everyone it’s Finance Fridays again, as promised, today I’m going go talk about Suze Orman and the $5 million retirement. Suze Orman and the $5 million retirement? Yea. If you’ve been following finance stuff, then you’ve probably heard of Suze Orman. She’s written a bunch of finance books and was previously a financial advisor for Merril Lynch. Recently, she came under fire for her commentary on the FIRE movement. Basically she said she “hates” it […]

Suze Orman and the $5 million retirement #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again… so I’m just going to talk about The 2019 Los Angeles Dodgers. The 2019 Los Angeles Dodgers First things first, I’m not a super crazy analyst with metrics everywhere, I just call ’em like I see ’em. So below are just my opinions as a Dodgers fan: I’m not going to lie… 2018 was a rough year for my Dodgers. Without the resurgence of Matt Kemp and the surprise […]

The 2019 Los Angeles Dodgers #illumedati