
Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. This is going to be a short post about the “Monkey on my Back“. Monkey on my Back? Yea. So basically, this last weekend was both Punahou Carnival weekend and New Year’s Festival weekend. As you can imagine, it was a pretty busy weekend for my wife and I. The kids had a lot of fun on the rides (even though it rained) on both Friday and Saturday. Then […]

Monkey on my Back #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today we’re going to explore something called “Generational Wealth“, although in a different way than you may think. Generational Wealth? Yea. I think the normal context for which people speak about generational wealth is wealth that is passed down from generation to generation. The prototype for this is when a wealthy family creates trusts to give to their children. Usually they are constructed in such a way that the […]

Generational Wealth #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. Today is going to be a short post where I talk about “Birthday Parties“. Birthday Parties? Yea. First, let me give you a little background: My daughter Kylie turns 6 this year. If you recall, I wasn’t able to attend her first birthday because I was actually in Hawaii starting my current job while my wife and Kylie were both still in New Jersey with my in-laws. She had […]

Birthday Parties #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays. Like I promised before, I’m going to talk about the Online Longitudinal Assessement (OLA) in regards to Maintenance of Certification (MOC) for Radiology. Online Longitudinal Assessment I’m not sure how much you may or may not know about the recent trend in Maintenance of Certification (MOC), but I’ll try to catch you up quickly. Previously, MOC was a process where physicians had to take a comprehensive test every 10 years […]

Online Longitudinal Assessment Review #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today we’re going to talk about “Playing with FIRE” in regards to the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement. Playing with FIRE? Yea. First of all, I want to clarify that I am all for the FIRE movement. I think the concept of trying to achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE) is a good one. However, my concerns is that there are some who are planning for the […]

Playing with FIRE #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. It’s nearing the end of January and baseball season is starting soon. Today I just wanted to talk about my thoughts on The Dodgers. The Dodgers? Yea. I think we all know that they made it to the World Series back to back in 2017 and 2018 but weren’t able to take home the title. This is very disappointing for the fans, but I am hopeful for next year. […]

The Dodgers #illumedati