Quick Update

Hey everyone, just a quick update. It looks like Hawaii may be on the verge of doing a shutdown again seeing as how our COVID-19 cases continue to rise.

As such, schools will not be opening as scheduled, not even with a Hybrid/Blended model.

O’ahu public schools transition to distance learning for first four weeks of 2020-21 school year

I expect private schools to follow suit as well…

However, today was supposed to be a daddy-daughter day so we still went to Gen Korean BBQ (in masks!) and ate more than our fair share of brisket. This weekend will be spent trying to figure out how to make things work for when distance learning starts again.

With all this, I am still committed to this website and will be for the foreseeable future. I apologize for the lack of regular content. I will try to get a post up on both Monday and Wednesday this next week.

Stay safe out there. Wear a mask. Socially Distance. Wash your hands.


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