Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. Today we’re going to talk about my boy… Max Muncy and how he’s Perpetually Underrated.

Max Muncy – Perpetually Underrated
Ok, I’ve talked about my boy Max for awhile now. I even backed him up when he had his slow start back in April.
I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I think at this halfway point in the season we can be pretty certain that Max Muncy’s 2018 was not a fluke. In fact, it was just a prelude to the actual symphony, which is 2019.
Max Muncy didn’t make the All-Star team…
The question is why? Sure, there is the whole problem of being in Cody Bellinger’s Shadow. However, just look at his numbers:
As I write this, he currently has a 3.4 WAR with a .276 average and OPS of 0.917. He has 20 home runs and 58 RBIs as well. Also, defensively, he’s significantly better than he was last year in terms of runs saved and utility. He should be an All-Star, there’s really no argument about it.
So, the question is… why isn’t he?
Max occupies an interesting space… not just on the Dodgers, but in baseball in general. Most likely he’s always going to be underrated to the general public — until he isn’t. Part of this is because every team has its “star”. Cody Bellinger occupies this spot on the Dodgers by a large margin. Then there is the Dodgers starting pitching rotation which has 2 other All-Stars. So then, everyone else on the team is regulated to “support” characters. If you look at the Dodgers, I think Joc Pederson, Justin Turner, and Alex Verdugo all deserve All-Star spots.
Max Muncy is like the 10th guy on the baseball field… even though he plays virtually everyday. He’s like this ghost that kind of “exists” and people see him do great plays like hit balls into McCovey Cove or do his best Michael Jordan impression. For some reason, even hitting a walk off home run in the 18th inning of the World Series in 2018 isn’t enough? Telling off Madison Bumgartner and spawning one of the best t-shirts ever made wasn’t enough either?
For some reason, these highlights for him seem to fade from the public eye quickly. However, I think if you were to ask any pitcher (or team) they would say “be careful of this guy”. The general public just hasn’t caught up yet… and that’s unfortunate.
Things like getting on the All-Star team are important for guys like Max to get good contracts and (hopefully) a reasonable extension.
All in all, Max not getting the nod for the All-Star team is the biggest snub this year… and he was already snubbed last year.
Just google “Max Muncy All Star Snub” and he’s virtually on everyone’s list… and was on last year’s snub list too!
So what now?
Nothing really.
Instead of hanging out on the field on the All Star team like he deserves, Max will get a little break. He’ll probably watch the game from home — probably with his parents and his wife.
Even if the rest of the world hasn’t caught up yet, don’t worry Max.
We see you.
We know you’re among the best in the game. Sometimes it’s ok to be underrated — makes you want to make everyone take notice. So just hit another 20 dingers after the All-Star Break and take your walks. Basically, just be the terror you are to all pitchers… and no one will ever doubt you again.
Don’t worry, I’ll still wear my Go Get It Out of the Ocean T-Shirt and tap my Max Muncy Bobblehead whenever you’re at bat. Also, my 2012 Panini Elite Extra Edition Max Muncy Red Ink 23/25 Card will never leave my hands.
Dodger management — Andrew Friedman… If you’re listening, please offer my boy a reasonable extension.
Max Muncy deserves to be an All-Star… but he isn’t.
It’s ok though, he’ll be underrated — until he isn’t.
Once he hits another 20 home runs after the All-Star Break, I think people will take notice.
Dodger management — Andrew Friedman… If you’re listening, please offer my boy a reasonable extension.
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