Monthly Archives: September 2017

What is Medical School like?
Hi everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. We’re going to switch gears and do some reflection on where I’ve come from, meaning my medical school years. I think a lot of undergrad (and even high school) pre-meds think about this question: “What is Medical School like?” **Apologies, this didn’t post like it was scheduled to for some reason. The answer to this question is complex. You will hear many, many different answers to this question. However, […]

What is Medical School like? #illumedati

The Long Bet
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays. Today, I’m doing a short detour from my Let’s Gamble posts. In my previous posts, I’ve talked about The Philosophy and Index Funds and how as a Boglehead I believe that is the best way to invest. You may also recall that I mentioned “The Long Bet” between Warren Buffett and a Hedge Fund. Where is that now? Let’s talk about Warren Buffett’s Long Bet. What is the “The Long […]

Warren Buffett’s Long Bet #illumedati

Apple iPhone X 2
Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. As you may already know, Apple unveiled the new iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and X yesterday. For those who were following along, most of what was said wasn’t a surprise because of the many leaks which occurred. Today I’m going to give my “Average Joe’s Review of the iPhone X”. First a little history… My first cellphone was in college which was a Motorola StarTAC, this was back in […]

Average Joe’s Review of the iPhone X #illumedati

What is Torticollis? 1
Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays and this post is probably a little late. However, I wanted to take today to talk about something that is not uncommon, but is probably not well understood by the general public. Most physicians will have at least heard about this entity during their clinical rotations, but may have forgotten. That said, let’s talk about “What is Torticollis?” What is Torticollis? Torticollis has a variety of other names like “crick […]

What is Torticollis? #illumedati

Pocket Aces 5
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays and I was all set to continue my “Let’s Gamble” segment in regards to Cryptocurrency. However, I ran into some problems, and so I’ll take some time here to discuss them today in my post “No Bitcoin for Hawaii”. Edit: For those who are more interested in “How To Buy Bitcoin in Hawaii”, I wrote a follow-up post. The TL;DR is that the two ways to get bitcoin from Hawaii are using […]

No Bitcoin for Hawaii #illumedati

Youtube 2
Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. I’ve decided to completely switch gears and talk about YouTube Starter Guide (on the cheap) #illumedati. YouTube? Since when do you have a YouTube channel? Well… I don’t. However, my daughter likes to watch YouTube Kids which has a bunch of videos of kids reviewing toys and/or playing with toys. She told me she wanted to try it awhile ago. It’s kind of hard to explain to a 4 […]

YouTube Starter Guide (on the cheap) #illumedati