Medicine Mondays

Watchful Waiting 1
Hey guys, it’s Medicine Mondays again. To be honest I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about today. However, I recalled in my prior posts about the importance of “doing nothing”. So for today’s post, I’m going to talk about Watchful Waiting. This should be a short post. So it’s mid August now… All of the new interns have cut their teeth now and have a bunch of patients under their belts. Their experience […]

Watchful Waiting #illumedati

Hi everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. Today I’m going to attempt to recreate my “Experience Matters” post that I lost a few weeks ago. Experience Matters? Well of course it does! Well, you may not be thinking of it in the same way I am. Obviously, a novice just starting his trade will not nearly be as confident or have the technical skill as a master who has been doing it for years. This is […]

Why Experience Matters #illumedati

Hi everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again and I had promised to rewrite my post about “Experience Matters” because it was lost. However, I woke up this morning with some back pain, kind of like mid-lower right back pain. For this reason, I’m going to talk about me being an Old Man with Back Pain. This is only circumferential related to Medicine, but just bare with me. This should be a short post. (Spoilers: It ended […]

Back Pain with Sensei #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. I didn’t really have anything in particular that I wanted to write about today so this post may seem incoherent at times. Today I want to talk about The Test That Decides Your Life (But Not Really). Stock Photo from: Pixabay What do you mean? Well, on The Track, there are a lot of speed bumps on the way to being a doctor. Sometimes you fall off. Many of these […]

The Test That Decides Your Life (But Not Really) #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again and this post is late I know. However, today I want to do a Med School Cost Analysis. Stock Photo from: Pixabay After clicking this link, you may be wondering what I mean by Med School Cost Analysis. There have been many, many other posts and articles about the opportunity cost of going to medical school, including the length of schooling and student loans. That’s not what this post […]

Med School Cost Analysis #illumedati

Be The Match
Hi everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays and I apologize that this post is late. I’ve been kind of running around California trying to meet up with old friends. However, today I want to talk about “Be The Match”. Stock Photo from: Pexels What is “Be The Match?” Well, “Be The Match” is a database run by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP). As you may or may not know, the mainstay for a potential curative treatment […]

Be The Match (Marrow Registry) #illumedati