Kylie’s Korner

Hey everyone, it’s Wednesday and I’m posting like I said I would! Is this the dream? Will I be able to stick to this modified posting schedule again? We’ll see. Anyways, today we’re going to talk about “The Collapse of the Token Economy“. The Collapse of the Token Economy? Yea. After rereading that title, I just realized it could be construed as an opinion on our nation’s economy. However, that is not what this post […]

The Collapse of the Token Economy #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Wednesday, and I almost forgot to write this post. Even with this “slow” schedule of once a week posts, it’s been difficult for me to get back into the groove of things. Today will just be a short post about Soccer… more specifically, Kylie’s Soccer. Kylie has been playing soccer for the best 2 half seasons, or about the last half year. However, because of Coronavirus, they haven’t played for awhile. We […]

Kylie’s Soccer #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s the last Friday in June in the year 2020… and I haven’t posted since Mother’s Day – May 10, 2020. First of all, please accept my sincere apology. Life during the COVID-19 pandemic has really changed my schedule and how I do things. Previously, I used to be able to get my blog posts written in the mornings before my work shifts. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, I needed to try to […]

It’s been a minute…

Hey everyone, it’s me again, I’m still around. First of all, my sincere apologies for not providing any real content these last few weeks. This whole Coronavirus COVID-19 has really changed things for my family and I. Things have been pretty hectic. The kids have been home trying to do virtual learning. My wife has been working part-time from home but still going into work sometimes. As for me, I’m still working full-time, just from […]

The New Normal #illumedati #medtwitter

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. Today, I’m going to talk about something a little off the beaten path. We’re going to talk about “Growing up with Nintendo.” Growing up with Nintendo? I am one of those kids who grew up with Nintendo. “Back in my day”, parents didn’t really know or understand video games. Back then, every video game system was “Nintendo”. Usually, it was “turn off that Nintendo” or something to that effect. […]

Growing up with Nintendo #illumedati #nintendo

Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. Today is just a short post about “The Love of Reading.” The Love of Reading? Yea. As I’ve said before, I really want to instill the importance of reading to my children. My mother used to take us to the library every weekend when I was young and I read a ton of books there. The majority of the books I read were by Matt Christopher about sports. Then […]

The Love of Reading #illumedati