
Hi guys! It’s Medicine Mondays again and I’m here to talk about Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis. A good friend of mine from fellowship is out here visiting me and we were talking over some coffee yesterday. I asked him what he thought I should talk about for Medicine Mondays. He’s a neuroradiologist like me. However, he recently he had developed an interest in auto-immune syndromes and the intersection between immunology and other disease processes. Stock Photo […]

Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis #illumedati

Like I said in my previous post, I lost my original post about creating a Financial Living Will. So, it’s Finance Fridays… but on Saturday! I’ve decided to try to replicate the post to the best of my ability today while the content is still relatively fresh in my mind. Maybe this is even a blessing in disguise to allow me to distill down my thoughts further and make this post better (although probably not shorter). […]

My (Financial) Living Will #illumedati

It’s Medicine Mondays again and so I wanted to talk about Multiple Sclerosis. My in-laws are here in Hawaii with us now and we were all at the local community swimming pool/playground when my father-in-law brought up that a friend of the family was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. He wanted to know more about it, so I started to explain. It was a lot more difficult to do than I thought… and I probably […]

Multiple Sclerosis: What Do You Know? #illumedati

Hey everyone. It’s Finance Fridays again and the last few weeks I’ve talked about Stock Market FOMO and President Elect Trump and the Stock Market. However, today I’ve decided to talk about Roboadvisors. If you’ve read my blog, then you already know how I feel about Financial Advisors, “The Good Ones”, and Finding One. I’ve brought up Roboadvisors multiple times in prior posts, but I’ve decided to talk about them in some depth here today. […]

Roboadvisors #illumedati

Hey everyone! It’s Whatever Wednesdays again, and I’m here to talk about… Hair Loss and Denial. This subject may seem pretty mundane, but I think it is important, so please hear me out. Evil Kermit is in Denial. So here’s the thing. I started losing my hair around the middle of college. However, I was in denial about it for a good 5-7 years before I did anything about it. I can talk about it pretty […]

Hair Loss and Denial #illumedati

Hey everyone! It’s Medicine Mondays again… and most of these posts have been fixated on The Match recently. So I wanted to switch gears and ponder “Why Do Doctors Marry Other Doctors?” Stock Photo from Pexels Of course this question is a generalization. Doctors don’t just marry other doctors. However, I would venture to say that a significant amount of doctors marry other doctors. Why? Well, let’s first re-examine the normal timeline to create a doctor: General […]

Why Do Doctors Marry Other Doctors? #illumedati