
33 Percent
Hi everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays and I’m still kind of sick. However, it’s not “stay in bed all day” kind of sick. It’s more of a sniffly-sneezy mope around home all day kind of sick.  So today I’m going to talk about something called “The 33% Concept“. [I’m sorry guys, for some reason, this post didn’t go at its scheduled time, so I am manually posting it now.] What is “The 33% Concept”? Well, there are […]

The 33% Concept #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Last week I talked about Risk and Responsibilities, but today I’m going to talk about something some what related “Financial Flexibility”. This should be a short post. Financial Flexibility? Yea. What do you mean? First a little background: I kind of put things into a few different categories when it comes to finance. Necessities Food Water Shelter Priorities Student Loans 403b/401k/457 Backdoor Roth IRA +/- 529 Flexible Basically, this […]

Financial Flexibility #illumedati

Risk and Responsibilities 1
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. We’re going to make a slight departure from the more recent posts and talk about a relatively simple concept, but is worth clarifying and understanding. Today we’re going to talk about Risk and Responsibilities. Risk and Responsibilities As you might expect, Risk and Responsibilities share an inverse relationship, while not begin mutually exclusive from one another. In general, the more responsibilities you have, the lower the level of risk […]

Risk and Responsibilities #illumedati

What is Social Capital?
Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again and I’m going to talk about a concept that isn’t necessarily related to Medicine directly. However, I’m going to try to narrow down this concept into the medical field. Today we’re going to talk about “What is Social Capital?” **Oops, I accidentally published this early… anyways ENJOY! What is Social Capital? Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia’s definition: “Social capital is a form of economic and cultural capital in which social networks are central, transactions marked by reciprocity, trust, and cooperation, […]

What is Social Capital? #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. The past few posts were part of my “Let’s Gamble” segment about Crypotcurrency mostly with a short break to talk about “Why Do Doctors Buy Big Houses”. Today we’re going to talk about something a little different, “Passive Income doesn’t start Passively”. First things first… What is “Passive Income”? Well, it is kind of what you expect. It’s income you get on a regular basis that doesn’t require you […]

Passive Income doesn’t start Passively #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays and I didn’t really have a post in mind for this Medicine Mondays post. So this is kind of a random post about “Teething Medication and You”. I thought this would be a short post, but it ended up being long. Teething Medication and You I was at a doctor’s appointment on Saturday and had my blood drawn to check my Cholesterol since it was “borderline” last time. Also, I […]

Teething Medication and You #illumedati