
Is Bitcoin a Bubble? 2
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today I’m going to talk about Bitcoin (again). You may have seen it setting new records in the news lately, so today I wanted to ponder “Is Bitcoin a Bubble?” Sensei’s note: I’m writing this article on 11/30/2017 to be posted tomorrow December 1, 2017. Given how volatile things are with Bitcoin, we may see a huge boom or bust between me writing this post and me actually posting […]

Is Bitcoin a Bubble? #illumedati

Stealth Wealth
Hey guys, it’s Finance Fridays again… and it’s actually Black Friday, which is kind of the poster child for consumerism and materialism. However, today I want to talk about a concept called “Stealth Wealth“. The above picture is the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit also known as the “B2 Bomber” or “Stealth Bomber”. For those interested, here is an excerpt about its Stealth characteristics: Stealth The B-2’s engines are buried within its wing to conceal the […]

Stealth Wealth #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. This is going to be a short post on the culture of Medicine, especially the concept of “resilience“. So every year, a fresh group of bright-eyed 1st year medical students start medical school. The vast majority of them start the year with ambitions to be the best doctor they can be and for most of them I think there is a feeling of “I can’t believe I’m going to […]

Resilience #illumedati

Falling Off the Wagon 2
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays today. Today I’m going to do some introspection and talk about “Falling Off the Wagon“. So, you may recall a few months ago I did a post called “Trimming the Fat“. It was mostly based around cutting out extra stuff I didn’t need in order to keep my budget efficient. Additionally, it had the added benefit of allowing me to exercise my Value Cost Ratio more. I was able to stick […]

Falling Off the Wagon #illumedati

iPhone X 1
Hey everyone, it’s Whatever Wednesdays again. It’s been awhile since I did my impressions of the iPhone X, back in mid September. Well, the pre-order happened and I managed to snag 2, one for my wife and one for me. And now, it’s time for Average Joe’s Final iPhone X Review. First things first: I don’t want people to think I can just blow $1150 on a phone (twice!) whenever I feel like it. This […]

Average Joe’s Final iPhone X Review #illumedati

My Little Ones
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. This post today isn’t necessarily related to Finance Fridays, however, I felt it was at least circumferentially related, as I’ll explain. Today we’re going to talk about “Starting a Family.” Starting a Family? Yea. So here’s the background story: I was talking to someone recently who just finished fellowship in neuroradiology. He moved back home where his family was and started a new job. Currently, he was just crashing at […]

Starting a Family #illumedati