Hey everyone, I’ve talked about it before, but make sure you take care of your eyes. Today is just a “Quick Eye Update” from me.

(not really related to the post, except to show his big eyes and mouth)
So I’ve transitioned back to biweekly contacts from dailies. I am ok with admitting that, for me, going to daily contacts was a mistake. I’m not quite sure what the reason is, but daily contacts simply don’t agree with me. Maybe it’s the material or something, but my eyes don’t like them. I had to constantly fidget with them to make sure they fit my eye correctly and were going in and out of focus.
Either way, I should have taken note of this during the week trial period. I thought that because it was just new and my eyes weren’t used to them that things would get better. However, that was just wrong. To compound the problem, I decided to go ahead and buy a year’s worth of the daily contacts assuming the problem would go away.
It didn’t.
Now that I am back to my biweekly contacts, I must say just how nice it is to just be able to pop my contacts into and out of my eyes without worrying about them causing my problems.
This is probably a case of wanting to do the “better thing” but then pushing too much for it. However, for my wife, daily contacts are a godsend. It has really helped with her eyes and in preventing Giant Papillary Conjuctivitis.
However, for me, while using daily contacts may be helpful to prevent GPC, the hassle just isn’t worth it. That said, I am doing my best to limit the amount of time I have my biweekly contacts in my eyes continuously. Since I work 130pm-1130pm, a 10 hour shift, I try to wear my glasses in the mornings and only put my contacts in before going to work. Then as soon as I get home from work I take them out. In this way, I limit by continuous usage to <12 hours — usually <11 hours.
So anyways, just another reminder that sometimes:
“Perfect is the enemy of good.”
Back to biweekly contacts, and very happy with them.
Most likely won’t be going back to dailies ever again.
That said, I am still limiting my continuous use to < 12 hours a day.
Agree? Disagree? Questions, Comments and Suggestions are welcome.
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