Take Care of Your Eyes Part Two #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Medicine Mondays again. Today is a followup post to my previous post Take Care of Your Eyes. It’s aptly named “Take Care of Your Eyes Part Two.”

Take Care of Your Eyes Part Two
My daughter Kylie at her Dance Recital (Tap)
Look at those big eyes and long lashes that she gets from her mommy.

So… what happened?

Nothing too crazy, it’s just a follow-up post to the previous one. In that post I discussed going to daily contact lenses, which, although more expensive, I felt would be better in terms of hygiene (and comfort) for my eyes.

For reference, I’m talking about Acuvue Oasys (Weekly – 2 Weeks) versus Acuvue Moist (Daily).

My wife has been using the dailies for the last year and it has significantly helped her with dry eyes and other eye issues.

However, for me — it’s just not the same. I thought maybe I just needed to “get used” to them. They felt a little different in my eyes compared to my normal weekly lenses. In general, the contacts lenses themselves feel more “flimsy” while the weekly ones seems more rigid. Perhaps this difference (to me) comes from the fact that I wore hard contact lenses for more than 10 years.

Anyways, I tried to stick with it, but the major problem I have with the daily contact lenses is putting them in the morning. When I put them in my eyesight just doesn’t seem quite right. I’m not sure if this has to do with how I handle them or how my eye reacts to them, or what the case is. Sometimes the contacts themselves seem uncomfortable in my eye or my vision is blurry — sometimes it’s so bad that I end up just throwing away that particular lens and trying another one.

As you can imagine, throwing away contact lenses without actually using them is quite wasteful. Additionally, daily contact lenses themselves are more expensive than their weekly counterparts which only compounds the issue at hand.

So what’s the plan now?

I’ve dealt with this for the past few months or so, but I’ve decided to just cut my losses and call it quits. My wife and I went back to our optometrist and we refilled her prescription for her daily lenses. However, I have opted to revert back to my normal weekly lenses. So I will deal with the daily lenses for the next few weeks and then buy my normal weekly lenses again.

Like many things in life, different strokes for different folks. I was pretty convinced that having daily contacts would be better overall for me, but because of how I am or perhaps my work schedule, or Hydraclear versus Lacreon or whatever the case — they just don’t… and that’s ok.

I guess today’s lesson is that even if you think something is better, and should be better in theory, doesn’t mean it will work in real life. Like anything, it’s good to be flexible and be able to make changes.

Life is short. Be happy.


Daily contacts just don’t work for me.

I’m going back to weeklies (2 weeks).

However, for my wife, switching to daily contacts really helped her.

Be flexible.

Medicine Mondays Sensei


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