Search Results for : windfall

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays… but I forgot to write this post on Friday — so here it is — on Saturday. Sorry about that. Anyways, let’s do a “Windfall Management Exercise”. Windfall Management Exercise? Yea. I’ve talked about windfalls before in some previous posts. A windfall is defined as: 1: something (such as a tree or fruit) blown down by the wind 2: an unexpected, unearned, or sudden gain or advantage from Merriam Webster In this […]

Windfall Management Exercise #illumedati

Extra Money
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today we’re going to ponder the question “Am I Undervaluing Our Pensions?” Am I Undervaluing Our Pensions? Well, the short answer is: Yes. However, let’s delve into the longer answer of: Yes, because However, before we go there, I think you should read my previous post about How To Value a Pension to gain an understanding of where I’m coming from. The take home point from that post is […]

Am I Undervaluing Our Pensions? #illumedati

Here’s the Finance Fridays Roadmap Update (8-2-2019): So pour some coffee, sit back, relax and click on some of these links: ** denotes new since last roadmap update (1-11-2019) Stock Photo From: Pixabay I cleaned up this post a bit for this update since we have a lot of posts to deal with now: I added bullets and made some subheadings and I’m hoping that will make it easier to navigate. I don’t know anything […]

Finance Fridays Roadmap Update 8-2-2019

Here’s the Finance Fridays Roadmap Update (1-11-2019): So pour some coffee, sit back, relax and click on some of these links: ** denotes new since last roadmap update Stock Photo From: Pixabay I cleaned up this post a bit for this update since we have a lot of posts to deal with now: I added bullets and made some subheadings and I’m hoping that will make it easier to navigate. I don’t know anything about […]

Finance Fridays Roadmap Update 1-11-2019

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Today is kind of another “thought” exercise kind of post about “Passive Basic Needs“. Passive Basic Needs? Yea. It kind of sounds weird, but it’s basically another take on “Passive Income”, but made more simplistic. I’m going to start this post this a story about my friend Nathan. Back in college I had a happy-go-lucky friend named Nathan. He was an extraordinarily smart kid although he found college classes […]

Passive Basic Needs #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays. Today is just a short post stating “Money isn’t real” for everyone to ponder. This picture isn’t really related to the topic. It’s a just a cute Maneki-neko I found on Pexels. “Money is just a tool.” “A means to an end.” So, in reality, in this rat race to try to obtain as money as possible, you should probably ask yourself, what is your end. Or, if you want to take it […]

Money isn’t real #illumedati