Search Results for : financial advisors

Ok, before you read this post, go read this one first. So here’s the thing. The idea of a financial advisor isn’t an inherently bad one. This person has some knowledge and expertise that you presumably don’t have. So you meet this person and they advise you on your finances… basically a consultant. Any consultant desires a fee, and rightly so, as they have provided a service, hopefully a value one. You receive a service and […]

Financial Advisors – The “Good” Ones

The term “financial advisor” feels inherently safe. It connotes a sense of knowledge and experience in finance, enough to advise other people about it. After 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, and who knows how many years of residency/fellowship, the last thing most doctors want to do is to learn all this “finance stuff”. Most doctors don’t seem to understand just how important (and potentially costly) it is to not learn about […]

Financial Advisors

Hey everyone. It’s Finance Fridays again and the last few weeks I’ve talked about Stock Market FOMO and President Elect Trump and the Stock Market. However, today I’ve decided to talk about Roboadvisors. If you’ve read my blog, then you already know how I feel about Financial Advisors, “The Good Ones”, and Finding One. I’ve brought up Roboadvisors multiple times in prior posts, but I’ve decided to talk about them in some depth here today. […]

Roboadvisors #illumedati

Ok, so in the last two posts of this series, 1 and 2. We talked about how I don’t really like financial advisors and then how some of them are ok. Now we move on to the last of this series: how to find a good one So let’s review first. We want a financial advisor who is: Educated Experienced Fee-Only Preferably one that aligns with your risk portfolio. Education: As I discussed in my […]

Finding a Good Financial Advisor

Here’s the Finance Fridays Roadmap Update (8-2-2019): So pour some coffee, sit back, relax and click on some of these links: ** denotes new since last roadmap update (1-11-2019) Stock Photo From: Pixabay I cleaned up this post a bit for this update since we have a lot of posts to deal with now: I added bullets and made some subheadings and I’m hoping that will make it easier to navigate. I don’t know anything […]

Finance Fridays Roadmap Update 8-2-2019

Here’s the Finance Fridays Roadmap Update (1-11-2019): So pour some coffee, sit back, relax and click on some of these links: ** denotes new since last roadmap update Stock Photo From: Pixabay I cleaned up this post a bit for this update since we have a lot of posts to deal with now: I added bullets and made some subheadings and I’m hoping that will make it easier to navigate. I don’t know anything about […]

Finance Fridays Roadmap Update 1-11-2019