Search Results for : windfall

Here’s the Finance Fridays Roadmap Update (7-27-2018): So pour some coffee, sit back, relax and click on some of these links: ** denotes new since last roadmap update Stock Photo From: Pixabay I cleaned up this post a bit for this update since we have a lot of posts to deal with now: I added bullets and made some subheadings and I’m hoping that will make it easier to navigate. I don’t know anything about […]

Finance Fridays Roadmap 7-27-2018 #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. I’ve talked about the Windfall Management Exercise recently and about Retiring Early before. Today let’s ponder “What if I retired today?” Is this another “Finance Exercise”? Yes. Kind of like the Windfall Management Exercise, this “What if I retired today?” is another exercise, just to kind of test your mindset. Here is the beginning of your retirement story: It’s July 13, 2018, you’ve received word that you now have […]

What if I retired today? #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Last week we talked about “different numbers” for “different Walters”. Today I want to discuss “How Much is Too Much?” How Much is Too Much? This question is mostly centered around retirement. As you know, my “number” currently would be considered especially high by some. For example, the friend of mine who needed $4 million, clarified to me that he only needed $4 million in all assets, which I […]

How Much is Too Much? #illumedati

Different Numbers for Different People 2
Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again. Some of you may have read my What is “Your Number” post I wrote awhile back. Today I want to kind of reflect on “Different Numbers for Different People“. Different Numbers for Different People This is kind of my version of “different strokes for different folks” when it comes to retirement. If we look back at my other post What is “Your Number” and add in my more recent post […]

Different Numbers for Different People #illumedati

Hey everyone, it’s Finance Fridays again… and this post is so late, it’s almost Saturday, or it’s already Saturday for your East Coasters. Nonetheless, I wanted to talk a little about What is “Your Number”? What is “Your Number”? Today I had lunch with a couple of my friends. For those interested, we went to an All-You-Can-Eat Korean BBQ place. Also, just so we’re clear — I ate more than them.  😛 We discussed the […]

What is “Your Number”? #illumedati

Hey guys, it’s Finance Fridays, and this is kind of related to last week’s post, Inheritance Tax. Today I’m going to be talking about Estate Tax. Stock Photo from: Pixabay Ok, first things first. Before we get in too deep here, I want to make something clear. For the majority of people (and doctors), it is unlikely that you will need to pay an estate tax.  The figure I see tossed around is that only […]

Estate Tax #illumedati